6 Apr: Run2End Alzheimer, Landing Point Plaza, 402 GA Hwy 247, Bonaire. Contat WB4EEL
6 April: Georgia Parks on the Air Annual meeting Contact AE4XO
11May: 4th Annual Tailgate & Swap, Monroe County Recreation Center, 100 Dan Pitts, Forsyth, GA visit www.barnesvillega.net
As a result of the GA ARES meeting on the 9th of March, 2024, there are several steps to become a member:
2. There are three levels of membership as explained in the ARES plan (atch 2). Please review and see where you fit
3. Need copies of your various certificates, mostly the ICS courses. You can get a transcript on line from FEMA. Upon receipt of a Transcript Request Form from the student, the Independent Study Office will email a transcript of Independent Study course completions to the student, and send by postal mail to requested institutions. Download the IS transcript request form here.
4. To cover the really bad day, each member is supposed to have a task book (See Download page below). The idea is that all of your credentials are documented in a single place and ready to go. The task book requires demonstration and sign off of the various desired tasks for each of the three levels. I do not have one either, but a fair number of the members attending the annual meeting did. It seems that a paper folder with clips for three ring paper would do fine.
5. ARRL also has some on line courses. At one time there were EC-001, EC-002 and EC-003. There was also a Gwinett County equivalent. The ARRL deleted EC-002 and EC-03 and replaced them with EC-016. Now all of those expire on April 1 and will be replaced with new courses. Details are hard to find. So work the other issues first.
CGARC, P.O. Box 2585, Warner Robins, GA 31099
Run2End Alzheimer April 6, 2024
SKYWARN® storm spotters are an important group of volunteers that report severe weather, winter weather and damage caused by weather to the National Weather Service. These reports aid the National Weather Service in accomplishing its mission of "protection of life and property" by providing forecasters essential information of what is actually going on at ground level. If you are interested in becoming a spotter view the schedule to find a class near you!
You can access a basic online training here. This course covers the basics of being a SKYWARN Spotter. The goal of the course is to provide baseline training for all spotters through multiple modules covering the procedures for spotting (including communication and spotter report criteria) and safety considerations for all hazards.
A weather spotter guide can be downloaded here or under our Downloads page below.
The FCC’s Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC) met at Federal Communications Commission headquarters on October 4, 2018, March 22, 2019, and on June 14, 2019. The IAC is comprised of elected and appointed state, local and Tribal (SLTT) officials. At its October meeting, the IAC was tasked with developing recommendations for fine-tuning state, local, and Tribal coordination for disaster preparation, response, and restoration efforts. The recommendations herein include best practices to promote resilient communications during and after an incident to help ensure first responders and the public have access to reliable communications when disaster strikes. The importance of maintaining resilient communications during and after a disaster cannot be overstated. Sometimes, the ability to communicate during and after a disaster is a matter of life and death. Down by clicking below or under our Downloads page below.
146.850 CGARC repeater
147.18 + WB4BDP no access tone
Other Local Repeaters
443.075 WX4EMA is now a DMR repeater click here for more DMR instructions
145.030 digital text and email network with packet, Vara FM and DRATS
145.340 WX4EMA (DSTAR REF030B)
147.300 + 107.2 MGRA in Centerville
440.575 - WY4EMA Multi-Mode Repeater - Kathleen, GA
442.900 + 107.2 MGRA in Warner Robins
146.955 + 107.2 MGRA in Perry Hospital.
444.950 + 107.2 MGRA South of Butler
146.670 - 82.5 WM4B in Warner Robins
443.150 + 82.5 WM4B in Warner Robins
145.290 - 82.5 WX4PCH in Byron
KK4IB-Gene create a cheat sheet for Baofeng programming
EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet, using streaming-audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations, or from computer to station, greatly enhancing Amateur Radio's communications capabilities. There are more than 200,000 validated users worldwide — in 151 of the world's 193 nations — with about 5,200 online at any given time. The KJ4QFF-R Echolink node is located at the QTH of KJ4QFF and links to the WA4ORT repeater in Warner Robins.
Email the Echolink Node Manager
Click here for APRS Map
It’s QSO party time!! Here are the upcoming QSO Parties in the
Southeastern Division. Checkout each website for complete information.
The MGDN is an amateur radio based data network, it is not an amateur radio club or association such as MGRA or CGARC. However, both clubs have members who support and participate in the networks. And the networks are discussed at both club meetings.
MGDN simply provides a place to coordinate Packet Network and D-RATS network operations and advancement; and to show current network status and mapping. MGDN does not operate any repeaters, only packet nodes and mail drops and D-RATS stations.
Contact Us at KK4IB.
This originally came from requests from GEMA for forecast graphics that were not Forecast Office centric and instead represented the entire state. Many have helped with this project but wanted to single out a few. Jessica Fieux who has moved onto WFO Tallahassee helped with much of the original layout and thumbnail graphics to get this going. More recently, Lauren Reaves who is one of our fine forecasters here has helped develop much of the content and how it appears on the page as well as great work on the Briefings and Social Media tabbed content. And of course, our wonderful ITO Steve Listemaa helped immensely in developing the automated graphics to feed the page. Hope it helps for some of your decision making and please let us know any additional requested content. Thanks,
Jason Deese and Lauren Reaves, NWS
(Click on Picture to Link to website)
The Central Georgia Amateur Radio Club VHF Net, each Tuesday at 8:30 PM on the CGARC repeaters (Warner Robins, 146.850-, no tone required).
Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief Net: Sundays at 3:45 PM Repeater 147.300+ PL 107.2 Hz
The Amateur Hour Net on Mondays at 8:30 PM Repeater 147.300+ PL 107.2 Hz.
The Hole in the Wall Gang on Wednesdays ay 8:00 PM on 50.135 MHz USB
The Houston-Peach-Crawford County ARES Net is held each Tuesday at 7:00 PM on Peach State Intertie system.
A primary responsibility of the Amateur Radio Service, as established by Part 97 of the Federal Communications Commission's regulations, is the performance of public service communications for the general public, particularly in times of emergency when normal communications are not available. To that end, the Georgia Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service members, under the oversight of the American Radio Relay League, will equip themselves and train to provide communications as a direct service to the general public through government and relief agencies located in Georgia, local government jurisdictions, the State of Georgia, and Federal Agencies when requested by those agencies.
Copyright © 2024 Central Georgia Amateur Radio Club - All Rights Reserved.